Sayang Kinabalu

Hello everyone! It’s the last day of the month of november 2020 (!!), and here we are, still trying to flatten the curve, pandemic-ally and physically. Covid infection cases is still the highest in Sabah and hopefully, it will flatten soon. It will need collective effort from everyone to do so. I, on the other…

Sabah earthquake 2015

it was rather, the unexpected event. I woke up early last friday and, to my surprise am leaving the house as early as 7.15am. Few minutes after that, i got a call from my dad, asking me how is KL, any tremor. I said, Then he told me that he felt the earth moving…


Today was my first (eh, second training with my personal trainer. I recently engage a PT to help me get back to my fitness. I can’t do it myself with my own will in the gym, so i need someone there to push me, even if it involve paying more. I have nothing to lose….

Garmin Connect – Fenix 2

Just showing off my garmin connect data for my full marathon and the hasuu tasu trail run. The fenix 2 went bonkers during hasuu tasu, I think it only managed to capture up to the last checkpoint. oh well. heeeeeee 🙂 This is useless data. LOL. It’s inaccurate, my fenix hang terusss.

Colorcoil Hasuu Tasu Trail Run 2014 – finisher

I’ve got a lot in my mind to jot about my first experience in entering the Hasuu Tasu trail run but am in awe pain now, i can barely think of what write about. The severe delayed onset muscles soreness this morning whereby I can’t get out of bed, can’t move my leg, definitely can’t…

Mandatory kit list

I received the latest June update via email for Hasu Tasuu trail run. i am quite close in completing the mandatory kit. It’s not much for the non-ultra trail run though but it’s going to be a good training to fully prepare for this one of it kind running event. The updated list is the…

Likas Bay

I was born & grew up here. I attended kindergarten at the Sabah Foundation, my primary school & secondary school located at the bay, my house is just 1km vector from the beach. I used to take this road to drive to work when i was working in KK. So Likas bay is practically place…

Weekend break

Hello everyone! As am writing this, am on my way back to the much loved land, the land below the wind !! Okay, how do I start? It’s been such a hectic (i mean, like almost to death kinda hectic with tense and long hours of working for the past few week. This week is…

Up in the air ranting !

Hello everyone !! I’m on my flight back from Kota Kinabalu (at the time of drafting this post) bound for Kuala Lumpur before hopping another 737-400 for a journey back to Penang. It’s been a nice self-sabahan-refresh holiday for me. I am ready to rock 2012. I have identified few things that I need to…

Daiso, 1Borneo

I went on an impulsive shopping spree with kart at Daiso 1Borneo. Ha,ha. Two small polka dot pillow for my batmobile, laundry bags for my lingerie, wooden coffee spoon, a coaster that matches my blue and brown ikea mug (yeay! Finally), a tray compartment as well as those drawer cover. wooohoo. Ain’t it cute?

Double joy

Selamat Hari Raya, mohon maaf lahir & batin and Happy Independent Day, Malaya! Malaysia celebrated Eid ul-Fitr on the 30th, that falls on tuesday but Indonesia just celebrating the occasion today. They can’t see the full moon on monday. ha,ha. So, to make things even, I’m wishing everyone eid mubarak starting today then. Mwhahaha. By…

Countryside & a spring

I am back in Kota kinabalu for chinese new year. Yes, not a new news but I am justifying it now. I thought I can do some work here, well dream on! Not even a single page open up for my thesis, let alone reading a journal. Please la iDa, please do not be in…


Hey ya all! It’s already been 4 days that I’m in Kota Kinabalu! Aww I’m kinda miss Penang though. Penang has charmed me with what they had to offer, and I’m sorta calling Penang my home now (Ok KK people, you can kill me now, hahahah). I practically lazing around the house, catching up with…

Mamutik excursion

A total sheer bliss. Regenerating my Sabah-self. I am back and able to conquer the world now! Ha ha

Suria in KK

This would be my review on the newly open mall in Kota Kinabalu, the Suria Sabah. Well, it wouldn’t be fair for me to rate it now based on my first few experience within the premises because they are not really opening up fully, but below are some of my comments (Yes, I am allowed…

Island Hopping @ TAR Park

Island-hopping with dear Piare & her clan from Peninsular! At first I wanted to bring them to Manukan Island but soon end up to Mamutik Island & Sapi Island. I tried Parasailing today! One Word: AWESOME! 🙂  Completed another task: Snorkeling alone without any dive master to help me at Sapi Island. I managed to…

Chill & Grill

BBQ grill at Tanjung Aru Yes, I’ve been busy. Hence, the lack of update here. Enjoy the photos! 🙂  

Some say it’s heaven… again

I just love Karambunai beach. I can never  get bored visiting it over & over again.  Hanging out with bunch of loves at my favourite bar is the ultimate chill-out you could ask for!  View from the Sunset Bar, Nexus (Photo credit to NF, edited by me)

Quod Facimus Id Perficimus

(source: Daily Express) Stamp of success for All Saints Kota Kinabalu: December 16, 2008 was a proud and historical day for SM All Saints in Likas – and not because they achieved 100 per cent passes or won any competition. Instead it was the day a special set of stamps and first day covers featuring…


One of the thing that I terribly missed the most about KL is the variety of choices and endless of new shop poppin’-in everywhere. Retail square feet in KL getting bigger by each day and more competition between malls to get tenant especially during this slow-economic turnover.  Anyway, one of the shop that I miss…