Breaking muscles

I am going to do another big decision/ big move whereby I will let go of my existing commercial gym membership to a smaller closed-community gym. I have been taking more than 30 personal training session and, am few kilos heavier. Yes, I gain muscles, but my fat percentage stays there. I change in diet,…

Fitness level

Hello everyone ! Happy wednesday, it’s ladies night ya’all ! I just got back home, showered and as usual, wasting my time on facebook and sort. I leave the office today around 7.30pm as I need to email out drawing to client. I promised my colleague to check out the gym at Gurney today because,…

I hate thursday!

Why? 1. I woke up late this morning; I’m jumpy, off-beat; 2. Have to drive all the way from Kolombong to Innoprise to Gaya St to settle my consultant application; in which i almost got into accident with some dang trailer; 3. Bloody jam all the way along Lintas-Kolombong road when I’m on the way to…

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009

We’ve come to the end of the year again, and anticipating to enter the new year of 2009. So, what’s you accomplishment this year? what have you archived and what’s not? For me, I have archived half of the the new year resolution & another half, still continue struggling to achieve it. Let’s list down…

Shake your pom pom

I can’t believe I’m beginning to be a gym bunny. I can’t stop going to the Y and I spend about 2 to 3 hours there, 3 times a week (at least). I can feel my biceps, lattisimus dorsi & upper abs getting firmer! yeay! ah, and shoulder getting sexier too. mwahahaha. All because of…

Teach me how to dance

I just came back from the latino dance class from the gym.  I was quite impressed with myself as I have no been dancing in ages & when I’m about to shake the booty, I still be able to dance! 🙂  It was a real workout latino dance & I sweat a lot. Seriously a…

Good morning sunshine!

Good morning everyone! Ha ha It’s only 7.43 am and I’m already in the office. Darn, I didn’t realize I was so early. So here I am, using my computer in the office, blogging my heart out. LOL. Nothing much to say actually since it the day is just about to begin. Anyhow, I went to…

Premenstrual Tension

Ah! I feel so bloated. 😦 and seriously need to burn calories. I’m seriously considering to go and check out the fitness centre tomorrow after work. Seems that I can’t play against the wall during weekdays anymore as my working hour lasted until 6pm. Well 6pm in KK is like 7pm in KL.. So I…