12 days of xmas

Finally, my first semester results are out! Oh god gracious, I’m so thankful for every grade I get. I was so scared that I may not go though this first graphic studio, however, I get a B minus for that. Yep, not A but I am so thankful for the B too 🙂 The rest…

iPhone 3G-S

Just as I expected. But not much hardware improvement as I anticipated. Modest revolutionary nonetheless. Click on the image for more info! (photo credit: Apple). The new iPhone 3GS (s meant for Speed) are: 1. Processor 2x faster than the existing iPhone 3G; 2. You can shoot video, trim the footage etc by just tapping…

iPhone is finally in Malaysia! New iPod Shuffle!

DOUBLE COMBO APPLE NEWS ALERT! Yes! iPhone is finally arrived in Malaysia ‘legally’!! wooohooooooo! It’s time for me to join maxis family. wooot wooot! I’m still reviewing the Maxis rate plan, you can visit it here for the rate plan and booking!  Place your booking now before 17 March to get invited into the official…

Gadget screening

One of the requirement during field work for EIA is land-use survey within 1/3/more km radius from the Project site. I applied the same principle to my visit to 1Borneo cellphone fair at the centre court today. I see lotsa promoter wearing Celcom blue tee and I guess, bluek.. another celcom promo tour. LOL. What…

Nothing hurt but my big-P

I’m always the kind of person that talks about high-end technology. Keeping up with the latest tech in town (or not yet arrived in town) and all that. I’ve been blogging on how much i want to put my hands on X1 and iPhone. (i’m still hoping to, one day). But a week ago, my…

Sex and The City

I have never been a fan of the Sex and the City series (due to not really, really watching the series from the very beginning) and thank god for that! No offense people! I’m pretty much easily get addicted to series like the mentioned. My loss for not being in the hype & crazy over…


Yep I went to 1Borneo today as it is ‘unofficially’ open its door to public. Well, my first impression was, whoa, not bad lah. The developer still rushing to finish up everything. Basically the mall & its adjacent hotels are in the finishing phase but for condos, they are still struggling with the floor construction….

Smartphone dilemma

Decision, decision. I’m browsing for smart-phone to replace my s500i now. So I was thinking, shall i opt for the latest SE phone; Xperia X1; or shall I wait for the 2nd generation of iphone? Decision. Decision. Help me!