11.11 haul

It was 11.11 sale a few days back, and guess what? I am in a hunt for a kettle to replace my broken-15-years kettle.I’ve been eyeing one particular kettle for quite sometime but the heart ache when looking at the price tag. So, I keep it in my watchlist for months. Or probably years –…

iPhone 4

Yes. I am being vain. I just bought iPhone 4 from maxis Queensbay today after lunch despite the never-ending studio work. mwahahhaha. Say hello to blackie! and say sayonara to whitey! Oh and I always love the white no matter what.  The white has always been my first iphone love. Same goes to my first…


While iPhone 3gs has been serving me for almost a year, through out up and down, I give no complaint or dissatisfaction towards the white. But it’s time for me to move on to the next generation. I’m currently waiting for the new generation white, but i guess it’s not going to be in store,…

iPhone 3G-S

Just as I expected. But not much hardware improvement as I anticipated. Modest revolutionary nonetheless. Click on the image for more info! (photo credit: Apple). The new iPhone 3GS (s meant for Speed) are: 1. Processor 2x faster than the existing iPhone 3G; 2. You can shoot video, trim the footage etc by just tapping…

The new Macbook – A review

I’m currently blogging from the new macbook – No, no.. I didn’t buy new macbook, I still love my white macbook but … belongs to my cousin. She just bought the new macbook to replace her iBook G4 (yep, THAT old). and now I’m all GREEN. *dayumm* Anyway, some of the new features/ better spec-requirement…

Gadget screening

One of the requirement during field work for EIA is land-use survey within 1/3/more km radius from the Project site. I applied the same principle to my visit to 1Borneo cellphone fair at the centre court today. I see lotsa promoter wearing Celcom blue tee and I guess, bluek.. another celcom promo tour. LOL. What…


(This is long-overdue post) Though as much as I love my first generation iPod nano, I can’t help but to feel wanting to get the new release of 4th generation of iPod nano… aww… and they come in variety of vibrant colors! *drool* or… shall I consider the second generation of iPod Touch? Ohgodam*drool*fukinniiceee! Ipod…

iPhone 3G video conference

Interesting article on how to video conference using your iPhone 3G. You can read it here. Below are the way to ‘video conference’ using the ‘iPhone 3G Video Conference Kit’ OMFG! Stylo’ yo! 😛 I’m sure everyone will turn heads when they see me using the kit in public. mwhahahahha! …and, you can buy the…

Sex and The City

I have never been a fan of the Sex and the City series (due to not really, really watching the series from the very beginning) and thank god for that! No offense people! I’m pretty much easily get addicted to series like the mentioned. My loss for not being in the hype & crazy over…

iPhone 3G hits US market today

KUALA LUMPUR, July 11 ─ Apple today begins selling the iPhone 3G to replace earlier and slower models. Touted as twice the speed, half the price, the 3G model has the same 8GB capacity as the EDGE iPhone but comes with new features such as enterprise applications and GPS. The phone was Apple’s entry into…

Super mighty mouse

Introducing… the latest addition to my mac family…  The mighty mouse!  

I TOLD you so!!

OMFG! No one believe me that iphone 2 going to release within these few months. They will say, ala iDa.. the release can not be this early lah. dang! I have been continously observing & following up with their news & i KNOW so!! 🙂 Introducing… the 3G iPhone for half the price & size….

Smartphone dilemma

Decision, decision. I’m browsing for smart-phone to replace my s500i now. So I was thinking, shall i opt for the latest SE phone; Xperia X1; or shall I wait for the 2nd generation of iphone? Decision. Decision. Help me!  


I started off my tuesday morning with this in my inbox 🙂 dang beautiful. and moreeee powerful. *drool* Wonder if my picture & Sharon still in the iMac display in Machines, Midvalley. mwhahaha. Oh wait! I can check it this thurday! *grin*

Today’s addiction: Clinique & Macbook Air

Ah! Thought of driving to the tennis practice wall after lunch but the weather doesn’t agree with me today. Sigh. Early this morning, I went out with my mother to do some grocery shopping at the Wawasan. I need to buy my facial wash too as I’m running out of it. I also need to…


I LOVE this one! “An apple a day keeps Bill Gates away!” No hurt feelin’ Mr Gates! 🙂 P/s: I’ll get my Leopard soon. *sob sob. I’m way behind. BTW. I got a very wierd & yet nice dream last night: Mrs. Rafael Nadal, is mua. ha.ha! FUNNY.