Personal Legend

I’m persuing my personal legend. I can see the light. I’ll definitely add to the Soul of the World.

Can’t say much here yet but I’ll thrive for it! gambate! 🙂

*wishful thinking*



What makes me realize that I should follow the path to my personal legend? I was assessing one development plan and I was supposed to help NF to identify whether the DP located within the UMS master plan (or not). Then I come across one keyword in the title block that leads to self-realization or in the other words, remind me what I’m passionate about since primary school days (a lil bit diverted from school though  but it’s in the same field – I realize what I want to do when I did my in-depth literature review (as sub to thesis report) for my bachelor degree requirement.

As usual, I google everything. and here I am, calling my professor for referral & start thinking of the next step. 🙂

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